5 Lessons I Learned From Horses
Nov 20, 2022
"No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle." - Winston Churchill
I could make this list quite a bit longer, but I thought five should be enough.
1. Horses have taught me to listen. Not to what is being said; more often than not, words hold less meaning than nonverbals and actions. When we learn to understand what a horse is telling us through body language, we’re learning how to interpret non-verbal communications. Since body language accounts for 90 percent of the communication between people, this is one area where improvement can help us all. Horses are effortlessly, and constantly 'in the moment', observing all that is around them and assessing and reacting as needed.
2. I know you've seen me write fairly often about the importance of boundaries, not only between horses but between humans. The former can communicate by ears being pinned back, teeth bared, hind leg lifted – a horse gives a clear warning that their personal space has been invaded. By asserting their boundaries while giving the offender a chance to walk away, horses set a good example of how we can stand up for ourselves while avoiding escalating conflict.
3. Overcoming fear. Horses, as we know, are fight or flight animals. I believe humans are much the same - so how about encouraging clients who may be fearful to interact with horses? Horses are large, powerful animals, it’s understandable to find them intimidating or even frightening. Overcoming that initial fear and learning to work alongside a horse can be a great confidence builder. Confronting a fear and working through it can leave us feeling empowered and ready to take on other intimidating situations in life.
4. A day working with horses is a day well spent. Horses have taught me to value a hard day's work, be it grooming, mucking out the stalls or communicating cross-species, horses require us to work hard. In an era of instant gratification, horses have a lot to teach us about the value of physical and mental effort. A useful lesson in all aspects of life.
5. Lastly, horses have taught me to be honest with my emotions. You may be able to fool other people, but you can never fool a horse. Horses know exactly how you are feeling and, more importantly, mirror it back. Sometimes the reflection is unexpected. Because of their ability to read human facial expressions and to provide an instant reaction, horses are great teachers of self-awareness. If your horse is agitated, chances are you are too.
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