Energy Vs. Time
Jan 30, 2023
Energy Vs. Time
"If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play." John Cleese
There never seems to be enough hours in a day, those with even the most advanced time management skills will have days in which all their goals were not met. Time management is an effective tool to have, but how effective are you at energy management? Jim Loehr (a performance psychologist and author), with Tony Schwarts ( a journalist and business author ) co-authored The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is The Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal (2003). In it they state "Every one of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors has an energy consequence. The ultimate measure of our lives is not how much time we spend on the planet, but rather how much energy we invest in the time we have." In 2022, CNBC reported that 50% of employees and 53% of managers were experiencing burn-out at their place of employment(1), which lends to evidence that there is great importance in understanding energy management. There will always be work to be accomplished, with time being a finite resource, and energy is renewable, we must understand that even that has limitations. With many believing that a completely full schedule will increase productivity, therefore utilizing time, it is not allowing for replenishment in energy. Simply stated, before anything else, we must prioritize ourselves before anything else. Some very successful examples include Warren Buffett, who schedules days where there are no specific goals to be met, he uses that time to focus on himself. Similar to Warren Buffett; Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are well respected in the business world, and some of that success is due in part to energy management. And all follow a similar format for self-care. When you allow for rest, you can replenish your energy and be more productive on the job. Additionally, you will improve your wellbeing and over-all enjoy a more positive living experience.
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