Family Time
Jun 30, 2022My husband was sent away for work recently, nothing much, just a month and a half. Not to worry, we’ve faced longer. Usually my son and I will use this time to travel a bit, or find local adventures. Sadly, getting mother/son time has become a bit more difficult to get due to his sister being so young.
Today we had the opportunity to spend the entire day together at Universal Studios Orlando, Nana came to the rescue and watched my littlest one. We had a blast.
I let my son lead the conversations, we talked about everything from anime to addiction. We took a ton of pictures, ate junk food, and really enjoyed each other’s company.
It can be tough being a parent of multiple kiddos, trying to divide quality time as equally as possible. My hats off to parents with more than two children, it can’t be easy.
The point of all this rambling is that one on one quality time with your kids is crucial to maintaining a healthy bond. I challenge you to send an hour of quality time today with a loved one, strengthen those bonds.. you won’t regret it.
One thing you might never hear about in the horse community is how horses enjoy being alone… because that doesn’t happen. Horses are herd focused and find themselves to be happiest amongst their own kind.
Humans on the other hand; well, some love to be with other humans. Absolutely thrive on it. The energy, communication, and attention help to make them most alive. Some folks find themselves to be in the middle, enjoying the company of others, but for a limited time.
And lastly you have those who much rather be in a very small group or completely alone. They enjoy their own company, finding other people to be draining and far too demanding.
Mare to foal, horse to horse, bonds are the life blood of any herd. We are no different, we need to work and maintain our bonds. Spending quality time one on one, and as a ‘herd’ is something that requires effort and thoughtful planning.
Today, I am feeling most like our third version of human. My son, daughter and Mom are all I can really handle today.
My point is this, it’s okay to be any version. You may very well shift between the three on any given day. Your feelings are always valid, and you have the right to exercise any phase (social, kinda social, and leave me the heck alone) at any time.
I just wanted to take a moment and validate the moment you are in.