The Science Behind...
Oct 01, 2022
Spring forward to 1987, a group of 18 Canadian and American therapists traveled to Germany in order to study hippotherapy and began developing standardized Hippotherapy curriculum. Further development of standardized curricula on Hippotherapy took place from 1988 to 1992 when we see the formation of the American Hippotherapy Association (AHA).
This article wouldn't be complete without a quick overview on the work similar to what we'll be doing here in our program. Equine-assisted coaching is a skill-building method where people work with horses to achieve particular personal or professional goals. A client will work with a facilitator who makes a lesson plan based on what the person wants. The facilitator will guide a participant through lessons in horse care and observing horse behavior. They’ll link how horses behave back to lessons on how humans behave.
There are some specialized programs for veterans that incorporate elements of equine learning and equine-assisted therapy. These programs help veterans, especially those with PTSD, learn to reintegrate into civilian life. Working with horses helps them build communication skills, emotional regulation, and trust. "Horses, being prey animals, are uniquely suited to therapy because they react quickly to subtle changes in the environment, people, and animals around them. The horse acts as a mirror, reflecting the client’s energy. Horses are also herd animals, and there is safety in that uniformity. This means horses are not only sensitive to their environment but also highly attuned to other members of the herd" (5).
The scientific research behind equine based therapy is still young, however, the plethora of evidence that currently exists strongly suggests that it is a highly effective treatment for many different physical, emotional and mental issues.
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