The Spirit That Gives Breath To All Horse Lovers
Mar 24, 2022
She is the spirit that gives breath to all horse lovers. She is neither feminine nor masculine -or perhaps she is both? She is definitely a state of mind and a way of living. To me she is Divine. To you she may be nothing or everything. My inspiration for this Blog and The Boss Mare Show is the Boss Mare.
Those that welcome the spirit of the Boss Mare are sturdy. They are industrious and willing to sacrifice in order to be with Her and stand in the wisdom of the horse.
Boss Mare enables them to tie their life together with chewing gum and baling twine. Life is a hard ride but having the spirit of the Boss Mare allows them to hold on to a lifestyle that includes horses.
This life they grasp with determination is hard, dirty, dangerous and downright exhausting.
Their lead changes may look flawless but at home they are eating peanut butter off of teaspoons to just afford the little leg up they have found with The Horse.
Their hold is tenuous and their grasp on this lifestyle is as difficult to sustain as their horses are. They will sacrifice and scrimp for the rest of their lives, and they WILL live with their beloved animals, AT ALL COSTS, as the costs are very, very high.
She is sad, The Mare. She pins her ears and protects her herd as best she can, but she needs help.
She has called to help build strength, resilience, satisfaction, purpose, and even wealth should you want it.
She has also called me to help others heal, through you, Her herd.
I have mounted and am ready to lead the charge with her love and wisdom inspiring and strengthening me.
Through her everything is possible, and I have been charged with helping Her herd rise.
Am I ready?
I have to be. I help myself as I help others.
I may crawl out of depression and anxiety right in front of The Herd. I feel I am called to not only provide the tools to help the herd rise but to use and document them.
It is scary but I will do it. I know The Herd, my herd, will protect me.
I’ll be transparent and honest. I fear my family, friends and peers will stand open mouthed as I start talking. I will be kind and I will also do my best to tell my truth.
When I stumble, I will do it in front of millions, hundreds and thousands of millions. Numbers that are so large that they are yet unknown.
I am not bragging (I’m gagging. This shit is scary. I know that once this journey begins there will be no stopping.
The answers I do not have for The Herd the Boss Mare will provide; of that I have no doubt.
I’m scared shitless but that mare is daring me to move forward.
And so, I will.
The Blog: Boss Mare Dared
The Show: Boss Mare Dared
The Host: Delena with wisdom from The Boss Mare Herd
The Outcome: Healing, wealth and greatness to all that take the journey.
Who is Boss Mare for? Anyone that loves the horse and seeks a better life while giving others a gracious leg up.
Who is Boss Mare not for? Those that scoff at the wisdom of the horse.
So, the challenge now is to identify yourself as part of my herd.
So, I ask.
Where are my Boss Mares?
You are needed and I am calling my herd to stand around me as I prepare to do some really hard shit.
So, who will come and fight with me? Next to me? And when needed, who will stand FOR me?
The Boss Mare calls.
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