Unpacking Coaching Presence: The Art of Being with Clients and Horses

being skills coaching presence equine assisted coaching equine assisted learning wisdom ranch wise life coaching Aug 02, 2024

In the world of coaching, one concept stands out as both fundamental and transformative: coaching presence. But what exactly does it mean to have coaching presence? At its core, coaching presence is the ability to be fully present with clients and horses, embracing curiosity and openness without a predefined agenda. This approach creates a safe space for clients to explore and grow, fostering their self-efficacy and confidence in facing life’s challenges.

Beyond Helping: Embracing True Presence

One of the common pitfalls in coaching is the desire to "help" too much. While the intention behind this is positive, it often leads to a dynamic where the coach tries to fix or direct the client's path. However, true coaching presence isn't about fixing; it's about holding space. This subtle but powerful shift from "helping" to "being" allows clients to take ownership of their journey. It’s about providing a supportive environment where clients feel empowered to discover their inner strengths and capabilities. Horses, with their intuitive and empathetic nature, play a crucial role in this process. Their presence helps clients to feel grounded and understood, facilitating deeper self-exploration and personal growth.

Understanding Self-Efficacy

A crucial aspect of coaching presence is the development of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy refers to one's belief in their ability to take charge of their life, confidently meeting and overcoming challenges. By fostering self-efficacy, coaches enable clients to build resilience and a strong sense of self-assurance. This empowerment is a cornerstone of effective coaching, leading to lasting and meaningful personal growth. Working with horses can significantly enhance this process, as clients often find themselves facing and overcoming fears, building trust, and developing leadership skills through their interactions with these magnificent animals.

The Role of Mindfulness in Coaching Presence

One of the most powerful tools for cultivating a strong coaching presence is mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being present, attentive, and non-judgmental in the moment. When coaches practice mindfulness, they create an environment where clients feel seen, heard, and valued. This mindful presence allows for deeper connections and more authentic interactions, which are essential for effective coaching.

Mindfulness helps coaches remain centered and open, ready to respond to whatever arises during sessions with clients and horses. This state of being enhances the coach’s ability to tune into the client’s needs and emotions, facilitating a more profound and impactful coaching experience. Horses, with their acute awareness and sensitivity to human emotions, can serve as powerful catalysts for developing mindfulness in both coaches and clients.

Practical Tips for Cultivating Coaching Presence

  1. Practice Mindfulness Regularly: Incorporate mindfulness exercises into your daily routine to enhance your ability to stay present and focused during coaching sessions, especially when working with horses.

  2. Embrace Curiosity: Approach each coaching session with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. Let go of any preconceived notions or agendas, and be ready to follow where the client and the horses lead.

  3. Create a Safe Space: Foster an environment where clients feel safe to express themselves and explore their thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment. Horses can greatly contribute to this sense of safety with their calm and reassuring presence.

  4. Listen Deeply: Practice active listening, giving your full attention to the client and their experience. Reflect back what you hear to ensure understanding and validation. Pay attention to the non-verbal cues from both the client and the horses.

  5. Encourage Self-Reflection: Support clients in reflecting on their experiences and insights. This helps them build self-awareness and confidence in their ability to navigate challenges. Interactions with horses often provide rich material for reflection, revealing patterns and insights that might not emerge in traditional coaching settings.


Coaching presence is a powerful element that goes beyond traditional coaching techniques. By embracing true presence, fostering self-efficacy, and practicing mindfulness, coaches can create transformative experiences for their clients. Incorporating horses into this process adds a unique and enriching dimension, facilitating deeper connections and more profound outcomes. Whether you’re an experienced coach or just starting out, developing a strong coaching presence will elevate your practice and lead to more meaningful connections and results.

As you embark on your journey to cultivate coaching presence, remember that it’s about being rather than doing. Embrace the art of simply being with your clients and horses, and witness the profound impact it can have on their lives and yours.

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